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What is YIPPS? What is this festival talk? Who are you all? What is life?
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What is YIPPS?


Yipps is a collection of artists who love music, people, and connection.


Yipps /yipps/ :The feeling you get before you do something exciting you care about. Excitement, happiness, overload, community, friends, growth, sharing, listening, and playing.​This started with a couple friends letting loose and expressing what makes them bounce, bop and roll and now it's become a place for just that. ​Come and join us on our next event.​


Yippy! At its core, YIPPS is a homie-driven music collective. In practice that means YIPPS is a group of friends, friends of friends, and community members tasked with bringing camaraderie and live music to the world - one unusual location at a time. We want to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to enjoy arts and culture in the places you least expect it. Through the tremendous effort of our volunteers, artists, and YIPPS family, we can bridge gaps to bring people together and have a lot of fun.


What is Cielito Lindo?

Ayyyy ayyyy ayyy ayyyyyy Cantaaaaa y no lloreeeeeees! These lyrics echo throughout history as a testament to the power of music in the collective unconscious. “Cielito Lindo” translates roughly to “Lovely Sweet One” but also incorporates the Spanish word for “sky/heaven” and “beautiful”. Here at YIPPS, Cielito Lindo is the name of an upcoming musical extravaganza taking place under one of the most beautiful skies in the world at Joshua Tree, California. Cielito Lindo is an experimental music festival following the ethos of YIPPS: what happens when a bunch of friends get together in the desert to sing, dance, and enjoy good company. This is an opportunity for people that normally wouldn’t consider camping out at a National Park to leave the city and enjoy nature in the comfort of friendship.This two-day event (November 19-20) will operate entirely off-the-grid and channel the spirit of jamming out. The stage and tents we sleep in might be temporary, but the memories we create will last forever!  


How are people getting there?

People will be driving to this event. And from many places. And even states! And some may have spots in their car.  We have made a section in the YIP tab for both searching and offering spots in your car. Drivers, be sure to request your pod for gas, and passengers be sure to venmo, zelle or give cash to your driver. That is how carpooling works after all.


Is there going to be a stage? How was it built?

Yes! At least one! The foundation of the stage is simple. Fifteen pallets layed on the ground. Five across, three down. Which is about 13 by 18 feet. We got these pallets from a liquidation warehouse in the city of Los Angeles. A lot of these pallets were in really poor conditions so they were gonna be tossed. We saved those. And another big portion was gonna keep being used and tortured until the end of their life. So we saved those from a life of use. Some could have ended up across the country, others could have stayed here their whole lives.


A pallet could have even made it to a different country. But they didn't. Their lives ended to begin a new life in Joshua tree. Anyway, these 15 pallets are then framed by large wooden blocks that used to belong to an old railroad track. We brought these blocks of wood over from a house my uncle is remodeling in Landers, about 15 minutes away. The origins of these wooden blocks are unknown. The pallets on their own would not be able to withstand much weight so we filled in the holes of the pallet. How much dirt you may ask? Well it was a lot. First of all, the stage is on a slight decline so we had to pick up one whole side of the stage. We lifted the stage up using soil that we rescued from a neighboring lot. 


There was land near here that had cleared out their land and made it flat. They displaced tons of dirt from the land and made it just flat land. Kinda really sad Looked like that land was gonna be carried away so we decided to take a few trips. And took dirt little by little. The first load was maybe 200 pounds, which was just 2.5 cubic feet of sand. And we managed to take in one trip 2000 pounds of dirt. In total we took around 5000-6000 pounds of dirt and used it to fill the stage. Then we added some cardboard to the top that we took from the same warehouse. And rescued it from a life bein recycled. And on top of the cardboard was where we put the rug which we took from my uncles house. You may not want to put your face on it since this carpet we found outside and it looked like it had been there for a couple years just out in the elements. WOOHOO! There ya have it. That's how it was made.

How many days is it? (Is it overnight?)

Cielito Lindo is a two-day event! Starting in the afternoon of November 19th, Cielto Lindo will continue on through the whole night of November 19th and conclude whenever people feel like on the evening of November 20th. That does mean that the event is overnight! Most people will be sleeping in tents at the site of the YIPPS festival. Musical performances/jamming might become “acoustic only” in the evening out of respect for the neighbors, but our interactive facilities will otherwise be open until as late as people feel like they should be. Time works differently out in the desert; the middle of the night is the perfect time to meet someone new, write a song, or have a life-changing conversation.


Who is invited? (Can I bring friends?)

Everyone is invited! Please bring your friends! YIPPS invites people from all walks of life to enjoy arts, culture and nature. We understand that historical barriers have prevented everyone from attending events like these, and want to shatter those barriers with our diverse group of concert-goers. That being said, there are a few philosophical qualifications to attending this festival. Ask yourself: Are you open to collaboration? and are u down? And the same goes to the other folks at Cielito Lindo. Look them right in the eyes and ask them “Are you willing to collaborate? And are u down?”


How do I jam?

Jamming is great, it's what began this whole thing. It's a great way to connect with people, to hear new sounds, to make things. We find it an easy and effective way to connect with people. And let's keep that being true. At YIPPS we are trying to adopt a culture of inclusivity. Please take the space and make it yours, but also be aware that other people are also trying to do the same. So in the jamming space you ought to give space as much as you take space. Listening is just as important as speaking. Leave room for others and swap out. As a general rule of thumb we are trying to encourage a 2 song limit. This is so people who may be less inclined to go up on stage feel comfortable enough to share their gift 🙂


How much do tickets cost?

In the interest of equity and out of respect for our homies of all economic backgrounds, YIPPS is employing a “Sliding Scale Model” for ticket pricing at Cielito Lindo. We don’t want a green piece of paper to be the reason you don’t come to this unforgettable communal experience. If you don’t have a dollar in your bank account, don’t worry about it! We still want you to enjoy Cielito Lindo. Our suggested base price for Cielito Lindo tickets is 25$ which is very reasonable compared to most music festivals (it’s only 5% of a Coachella ticket!). We highly encourage those with the means to contribute more than the 25$ in order to support the experience for everyone. If we each do our part we can make Cielito Lindo an economically sustainable event for years to come!


Where is this festival taking place?

Location will be released the night before the event. Stay tuned and buy your ticket early. For now, just know that it is less than 10 minutes away from the gates of Joshua Tree National Park in one of the most beautiful places on earth. We want to respect the land and its history as much as possible in everything we do at Cielito Lindo. Treat each plant like it is sacred, and take this opportunity to reflect on how you can divest from and disrupt the colonial history that has displaced the Maara’yam people who have lived here for generations.


Is it going to be cold?

Yes it will be cold… As hot as deserts may be during the day, their temperature can drop rapidly when the sun goes away. The weather in Joshua Tree can be unpredictable; if it’s windy, raining or snowing. Well, it will be cold regardless but if it’s windy, raining or snowing it will be much more. We are gonna have a tarp to cover us all from the elements. And which is why you will bring your sweater and blanket 😀

Do you have a setlist?

Yes there will be an order to the performances by the artists. But remember that Cielito Lindo is a community jam session! The audience is as much a part of the vibe as the artists are. Cielito Lindo is going to be a hybrid of open-mic style jamming and the classic music festival format you might be used to. More information on the performers and set orders will be released closer to the event time!


Will it be dusty?

Absolutely! With a couple hundred feet stomping around the desert floor we are no doubt going to conjure some clouds of dust. If you are prone to allergies and other irritations consider bringing a face mask and eyewear of some kind to mitigate the dust. As counterintuitive as it may seem, the dust is a beautiful and natural part of enjoying the desert to the fullest. If you remain mindful and keep your lid on your water bottle when you aren’t drinking, the dust shouldn’t bother you one bit.


How will we eat?

The most clever culinary option at Cielito Lindo is bringing your own food! Cielito Lindo will have a handful of fire pits available for cooking campfire-style meals. Canned Chili, backpackers meals, cup of noodles, hot dogs, and s’mores are all great easy-to-make options but we highly encourage you to do your own research and find what food works for you. Make sure to bring coolers, bags, and other preservation tools to make sure your food is fresh the whole weekend. Also be sure to bring your own utensils, plates, and ovens. Cielito Lindo will be providing limited food options on a first-come first-serve basis, but strictly vegan food. If you want to go get food elsewhere, we encourage you to explore and support the delicious, locally-owned restaurants in the Joshua Tree area.


Where are we going to sleep?

The event is taking place on private land, so anywhere on there… kinda. We ask that you treat every plant as sacred and leave a minimal footprint on the natural ecology. There will be designated camping zones that have been cleared out from rocks so most camping will take place there. There will also be vacant spots all over the lot to make more distant camping possible. Please bring a tent if you have one. If they want, folks can also sleep in their cars or in other nearby lodging. There will also be some communal domes available for those who really cannot find a place to sleep in (Just be sure to bring extra clothing because it will be colder in there). . The most important thing is to come prepared with everything you need to sleep outdoors in the cold desert night (think: blankets, pillows, layers, thick socks, flashlights, water, toothbrushes, and portable chargers). 


Where are we going to poop?

We highly encourage you to take care of your business elsewhere if possible! One last pit-stop at a gas station or rest area on your way into the party can go a long way. There will be at least two port-a-potties on-site, but they are sure to have a lot of traffic. You may not relieve yourself outside of designated areas on the property because folks will be camping and living all over during the event.


Can I turn up? Drink? Smoke? Other?

Cielito Lindo is a private event on private property and leaves it up to each person to enjoy the event in the way that they see fit! In terms of safety, please be aware that the nearest hospital is 15 minutes away. Not to mention that in the worst case scenario someone will have to take you and they will be missing the event as well. That being said, please be mindful and practice the utmost safety precautions in whichever way you party. Never bite off more than you can chew; Cielito Lindo is a space for having a good time with friends, not for experimenting with a new superdose to explore the 6th dimension.The buddy system is imperative! Make sure you have someone specific looking out for you and that you are looking out for someone specific. Communicate to your buddy how you are feeling often, especially if you feel like things are getting a little intense. No matter how you are partying make sure you remain hydrated and eat regularly. It is important that you are in control of your situation at all times and remain respectful to others so that we can all enjoy our collective safety. Be diligent and quick to get help if you spot something even slightly off during the festivities. Please manage your bottles and ashes as well! Snuff any fire hazards and pack out what you packed in. We strive for a minimal footprint on the local ecology so preventing hazardous waste is a necessity. 


Will there be places to buy stuff?

Yes! Cielito Lindo will have a few on-site vendors from the extended YIPPS family selling all kinds of wicked things. We are still accepting vendors for the show! If you would like to come by and sell your wares then please don’t hesitate to reach out to or (323) 513 2585. We also want to do our part for the local economy. The town of Joshua Tree has some incredible arts and crafts, tasty food, and epic souvenirs that we highly encourage you to peruse.


Do I have to drive myself?

If you can, please do! If you can’t, we highly encourage carpooling as a way of reducing our carbon footprint and maximizing accessibility. If you are looking for a ride or willing to offer one to a friend in need, please head over to the forum at the YIPPS website to coordinate rideshares. It’s a great way to get to know people on your way to the event! There are limited public transportation options available from Los Angeles to Joshua Tree (you can find them if you google Joshua Tree Buses), but a direct drive is most convenient.


Do you need me to bring anything?

In order to make Cielito Lindo a safe environment to freely express yourself and enjoy other peoples’ expressions, you need to make sure your basic needs are met. You must bring water and remain hydrated throughout the event because the desert is a very dry place. You must also bring layers of clothing and other warming devices like blankets or handwarmers because the desert climate is unpredictable and weather can swing between extremes. You should also bring some food to sustain yourself for the two days because very limited dining options will be available on-site. The last thing you should definitely bring is good vibes, a growth mindset, willingness to try new things, and your beautiful self! 


For a full list of recommendations on what to bring please see the packing list below:


Where can I talk to other festival-goers?

The YIPPS forum is the best way to get in contact with other members of the Cielito Lindo family! To get to the forum simply go to and you can see all of the threads about the event. You can also find other YIPPS homies via our instagram page @yipps_la. 


Where can I ask more questions?

Hit us up at or on instagram @yippsla! We would love to answer any further questions you have, please do not hesitate to reach out.

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